Friday, June 17, 2016

Two kids vs. One Parent...

This week Hadlee got the week off for Kindergarten testing. Luckily we were able to get a early appointment last Friday so that this whole week to ourselves. Pete had a lot of studying to do so we decided to go visit one of my roommates who lives in Arizona. Her husband is currently doing his residency for Med school so she doesn't get to see him too much so it was perfect! 

We left early Monday morning and luckily had no problem making the flight. I was prepared (kind of) for how bad this flight could really go. The last time I took both kids by myself was over a year ago when we went to visit my cousin in Denver. Lets just say there is a reason why it took me a year to do it again....

However, I was shocked at how well both kids did. I pulled out the iPad for one and gave my phone to the other and I actually took a little nap myself.... WASN'T expecting that at all!

Ixchel and her cute boys picked us up from the airport and we headed straight to their house to change and hit up the pool because is 100 degree whether, what else is there to do?

Tuesday Morning we hit up Last Chance.... my new obsession that I am so mad I have gone my whole life without knowing about. It's like the DI of Nordstroms..... Kinda. The only big mistake I made was bringing my kids.... What was I thinking, oh thats right, I had not choice.

The next few days we spent by the pool, visited my aunt that lives there, Ixchel taught me how to do my makeup and how to cook. She is amazing at both. We were so sad to leave but excited to get home to dad!

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