Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I am FINALLY done!.... GO UTES!

After attending FIVE different schools, changing my degree 50 million times, getting married, and 2 1/2 kids later, I FINALLY finished by degree. I almost feel like it's not real. After getting pregnant with Hadlee and 6 months of being married, Pete and I decided that financially I was going to have to put a hold on school until Pete finished. I had a goal that I would finish my degree before I was 30. Last year, I knew that if I wanted to accomplish that goal that I needed to go back ASAP.
To my surprise I was much further ahead then I expected. I was a Senior and just needed to finish up my core classes. It wasn't easy! I realized just how easy school actually was before having kids. Trying to do homework while trying to do homework with them, running them to dance and soccer, and spending time with them was rough. I was lucky enough to have a job where we had lots of down time so if i did have homework I would try to pick up a shift at work because it gave me time to get it done and bonus was I got paid doing it. 
The actual graduation day was rough for me. I felt like I had worked so hard to get here and it wasn't as exciting as I hoped it would be. A huge part of me walked to walk and go to the ceremony. But a huge part of me felt stupid for wanting to do that. I knew that it would mean Pete would have to take work off and I felt stupid. I also has LOTS of Pregnancy emotions and lots of stuff was going on that week. I am so glad that I decided to walk and that Pete and the kids were in the stand to watch me. I remember walking out and looking up to see both Maxx and Hadlee waving their little hands as fast as they could with the biggest smiles on their face. They were proud, it didn't matter if anyone else in the world was proud of this accomplishment because i knew they were. I knew right then that I did this for them, I did it so that if I needed to go back into the working world to give them a better life then I would, I knew that I wanted to be an example to them of how important education is. And more importantly I wanted them to see that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to even if the odds are against you or if it doesn't seem possible. There is a way!

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