Thursday, October 24, 2013

26 Years Young...

26 going on 22...
 I seriously forget how old I really am and when people ask I almost reply with, "oh, I am 21" ummm ya, 21 +5 now! 
 However, this year my birthday was a blast. My favorite part was that Hadlee actually understood what it meant (she has been really into peoples birthdays lately) and she sang the song to me probably 20 times. 
The night before my birthday we celebrated with Ice Cream at Leatherby's (the best) with our friends Lisa and Jay. Lisa was so sweet and made me the BEST caramel apples which I probably shouldn't have eaten all my myself but my excuse is... I am pregnant.
The morning of my birthday, I woke up to a cute letter wish me a Happy 25th Birthday (Pete is trying to keep me young, or he just can't remember how old we are), the cutest decorations, flowers, and a gift card to go get breakfast.
After getting Hadlee off to Preschool I met up with my mom and some of my sisters for a birthday lunch and the Brick Oven for some girl time.
When Hadlee got home form school I shared my cupcakes that my mom got me and she was of course in absolute heaven. Enjoying every last bit of it.
I was spoiled with some more goodies....
Pete told me he had dinner reservations that night and told me to be ready by 7. We dropped Hadlee off at his brothers and then he handed me my present in the car. I first pulled out a card which I wouldn't expect any less from Pete to have picked out a card with Snookie on the front... we thought it was pretty funny. Then, I pulled out a piece of paper that had my snow boots I have been wanting. It said, "Ordered and coming soon."
I then reached down to pull out some snow boots that were a little to small for me but the perfect size for our new little addition which were BLUE!!!
Yep, he opened the ultrasound envelope and we are having a BOY!!!
We were both ecstatic, I was in shock and Pete was in tears. Seeing him that excited made my whole day. 
I am so excited for this new journey of raising a child. I know having a boy is going to be a whole different experience then raising a girl and we couldn't be more excited about it.

{back to the Birthday}
We showed up at the Dodo Restaurant, which I had never been too before. As the waitress is walking us back to our table I see our good friend Trevor waving at us. I soon realized Pete had surprised me by inviting some of our best friends. It was such a fun surprise. I am so lucky to have a husband and good friends to make my day special!
Of course, I couldn't hold in out exciting news and we acted like I didn't know what was in the gift bag and opened it in front of them. It was so much fun to share our excitement with them!
And of course... the card! :)

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