Monday, February 11, 2013

Two and a Half......

Dear Miss Hadlee,
Wow, where does time go, I can't believe you are already 2 and a half years old even though you are as smart as a 5 year old. It seems think just yesterday when the nurse placed you on my chest for the first time. My eyes were filled with tears and I fell head over hills for you. Never did I think I would be able to love you any more then I did, but I was wrong. Everyday my love for you grows stronger.

The things you do amaze me every day. People are always asking how old you are because they are in shock at that knowledge you have. Not only are you one smart cookie but you are such a sweetheart. At time when it is hard to share with your cousin you soon realize that its the right thing to do even without me having to tell you. You are always telling everyone thank you and your welcome. You have such a tender heart which doesn't make it easy to get upset with you when you do something not so nice {like color on Grandmas couches} You have a great love for all your "friends" {stuffed animals}. Each time we leave the house you try to take them all and then finally settle with one. But don't worry every single one of them snuggle with you at night. You love watching your shows such a My Big Big Friend, & Chiuo. You are such a little dancer and singer. I find you making up your own songs something and I absolutly love it.
You have such a funny personallity and anyone that knows you would agree that they can't have a conversation with you without laughing because of the things you say (way too smart for your own good.)

Over this past couple of months your dad and I have been thinking about when would be a right time to work towards giving you a brother or a sister. I stay up late during the night reminising on being pregnant with you. I rembmer finding out, I was so nervous. Both your dad and I kept saying how we didn't feel ready to become parents. I always thought that there was a reason for everything and that for some reason you needed us. It calmed me down and made me have faith. However, it has taken me thing long to realize I was wrong. It's wasn't you that needed us, we needed you. We needed you more then we knew or could imagine. You charged our life and showed us what was important in life. You brought joy into our marriage, we no longer cared about the little things that didn't matter we cared about you. My loved grew for you dad as I saw him become the best father for you. You helped me to be less selffish and not just care about myself. You taught me how I needed to be a good example because I wanted you to look up to me. You taught me that I didn't have to be perfect, that I was trying my best and to you that was enough. You were patcient with me while I learned my weaknesses in motherhood and tryed to overcome them. You looked at only my stenght and never pointed out my faults. You taught me to love myself for who I was. And most of all you taught me how to love unconditionally.

I believe that it takes a special child to me the first child. You filled the role perfectly! I can't thank you enough for choosing me to be your mommy. I look forward to every day I have with you and for all the many new discoveries we will make together!!

I love you

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