Monday, September 14, 2009


Boy do i get lucky or what?
So my last day working for my dad was right before Labor day, a couple of weeks before i decided I better start applying for a new job because my last day was going to come sooner then expected and we couldn't afford to be jobless. I think i applied for about 50 jobs a day and didn't heard back from any of them. At that time it was fine cause I was still working. But my last day of work came and i didn't have a job. I was driving home when my phone rang and it was a company which i applied to who had asked if i could come in for a interview. I was excited but didn't want to get my hopes up. I also had no idea what this company was. I had applied to so many that i didn't even know which was it was calling. With being Labor day weekend they couldn't meet with me until the following week. Meanwhile I received another calls wanting to set up appointment. I was praying that one of these jobs would want me. So Tuesday came and I have interviews all day. Both of them said that they would get back to me in a week or more. So i figured that I would continue to apply for more jobs and just pray that i would find one. One of the job I had applied for I wanted more then the other for many different reasons but figured at this time i couldn't be picky. So the next morning I get a message from the job that i didn't really want telling me to call them back cause they needed to talk to me. It her tone i could tell i got the job. I was so scared to call them back cause I didn't want to accept it and then find out in a week I got the one i really wanted. I called Pete so stressed out about what to do. Pete told me to call the one i wanted and ask them if they could tell me yes or no then.... NO WAY was I going to do that. No joke, five minutes later while I am freaking out about what to do I get another call from the job I wanted and they say that I was one of the top three people and they would like to meet with my today, so I hurried over there, meet everyone and now i really wanted it. After talking to the other co-workers they informed me that they were lying I was the only one they liked and they wanted me to start as soon as i could. I was so happy! However, nervous to call the other job back and tell them I got another offer. But i did and got over that fear and was so excited to start my new job.

So today was my first day and I loved it. Yes I love my job! The people are what makes it so great. They were so welcoming and fun. the managers were so nice and even gave me a welcoming present (an Ipod). I hope I will continue to love this job and i think it will be so good for me!


  1. WOW you got a freakin ipod on your first day!! That's awesome:) so where is it that you work?

  2. That is way sweet! Never heard of anyone giving stuff like that for starting a job! lol.... So... What is the job? haha You left that minor detail out!!!

  3. Oh sorry, Its called Performance Audio, I am just the receptionist

  4. NOT JUST THE RECEPTIONIST!!!!!! You are the glue that holds the company together according to my mother!!!! I have only heard good things about you!!!! I can't wait to meet you!!!!
