Wednesday Pete had texted me telling me that he wanted to plan something for Saturday and too make sure I didn't have anything planned for us {Since usually I do all the planning} I was a little excited A. to have a Saturday off that we could hang out. B. That I didn't have to plan something. I figured we were just going to dinner and a movie.
Pete over did himself this time! After spending the morning with family for our nephews baptism he told me that I needed to pack a bag for myself and Hadlee cause we were dropping her off at his moms and weren't sleeping here tonight. I was in shock that whatever this was has been kept a secret for this long. Pete isn't the best at keeping secrets nor am I good at letting his keep secrets. I usually get them out of him!
This way was so much more fun! After dropping off Hads we headed up to Park City. We did some shopping at the outlets then went to a local Mexican restaurant that we have heard lots about {Loco Lizard}. We stuffed our faces and then were off to the hotel. Pete did a great job with the hotel! It was such a cute little room that wasn't too far from Main street. After dropping off our bags we went up to Main street to get myself a Carmel Apple {Park City MUST!} We came back and went hot tubing and favorite part was playing "the question game". It is a game we played all through high school, 90% of our fights were caused by it because Pete was sometimes too honest. :) It was fun to play it and see how much our answers have changed since then. We then went back to the room and hit the pillow! The next morning we slept in as long as our little eyes would stay shut. After walking up and getting ready we headed back to the 801. So excited to see little Miss Hadlee!
I couldn't thank Pete enough for planning this little getaway for a time that we needed it the most!
Thanks babe, I love you!
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