{Hadlee took advantage of the cake and ice cream}
Well another birthday came and went, and I am now less then a year away from being 25! I don't know why but that kinda freaks me out. I will be half way there till 50, which makes me sick. I hate getting old. I wish I could stay young. I am sure many people would disagree but I don't know what it's like to be old and I am not so interested at this time of my life of finding out. Anyways, because my birthday fell on a Sunday it kind of got celebrated a couple of days before. Friday, my MIL was sweet enough to offer to keep Hadlee over night so that Pete could take me out. (Thanks Jan) I was super excited because we realized this was the first time since we had Hadlee that it would be just Pete and I. We usually bring Hads along, or when we have gotten a babysitter we usually go with family or friends. So we were excited! Pete met me at the mall, so that we could do a little shopping. After that we headed down to the 'Riverwoods' in Provo. If you haven't been here I HIGHLY recommend it. It is seriously the cutest little out door mall. There was a local instrumental band playing, they were amazing. After, we listened to them and did a little more shopping, we went to dinner at Tuscany. Yes, this was my choice not Petes. I still am not sure why I always pick this place because it is known for all its MEAT! But I think its because of the cheese rolls, I am pretty sure I gained 10 lbs just from that.They are beyond delicious! After dinner, the plan was to see a movie, but I was already tired and we all know what happens to me in movies.... I sleep. So we decided to just call in a night and head home. Saturday, Pete had to fly, so I got to clean the house which to be honest, was great not having Hadlee there. Once Pete got home we headed up to Salt Lake. My sisters & Mom took me to lunch at Gander Village and then of course since all the Witches were out we had to walk around. That night we had some friends over at my moms for some cake & ice cream.
Sunday, ended up being just one of those days that everything went wrong, one thing being I got pulled over. But don't worry, the cop had a heart and couldn't bring himself to give me a ticket on my birthday!
Anyways, it was a great birthday! Thanks Pete, and everyone that made it special!
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