A year ago from today, I met you for the first time, I fell in love with you right then even though I knew I loved you from seeing the ultrasound for the first time. At that moment I could only imagine what the next year was going to be like. After living it I can look back and say that I loved every minute of it. I loved every minute I lost of sleep because of you, I loved every poopy diaper I changed, I loved hearing you cry, I loved waking up to your cute smile every morning, I loved not being able to do the things we were able to do when it was just me and dad because of you, I loves every sacrifice I had to make for you, I loved being poor because of all the baby expenses, I loved that I got to take a break from school to be your mommy, I loved watching you and your daddy with each other, I loved being able to be a stay at home mom, I loved getting thrown up on, I loved getting you dolled up, I loved watching you grow and learn new things, I loved hearing your first words, I loved watching you take her first steps, I loved seeing you tear apart our house, I loved every single thing that came with you first year of life.
I can honestly say there hasn't been a day this whole year that has went by that I didn't look at you and tell myself how lucky I am. You have been such a blessing in mine and daddy's life. We always wonder how we got so blessed with such a good and beautiful baby, everyone is always saying how good of a baby you are, I just hope all your siblings are the same because I don't know what I'll do.
I sit here in shock that you are already a year and know that I will be sitting here when your 16 years old wondering where the time went. I can't wait for the all fun times that are ahead of us but right now I am fine with where we are now. Had's I can't say I love you enough. Not only do I, but you have so many others including daddy, your grandparents, your great grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends that adore you. Most importantly your Heavenly Father loves you. Every time you see a picture of Jesus your face lights up and you just blab on and on. I know you remember him and know who he is. Never forget him Hadlee. There are going to be times in your life when you will be faces with trails and he will be the only one that knows what your going through and is there to help you through them. Always remember that! One day when your older and reading this there is one thing I want you to know, and that is that me and your dad love you so much, EVERYTHING about you! Thanks for being such a good baby and helping me learn how to be a mother. I know at times it took a lot of patients! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect first child! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!
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