I remember the first time I had to say goodbye. It was 16 years ago. I cried, and cried some more and it took me about a week to get over loosing my 2 best friends. I would look forward to every summer growing up because that meant I got to go visit them. And when they would come here to visit I remember the excitement I had, I would wake up bright and early and wait all day for them to arrive. I would call my Grandmas house all day asking if they had arrived. Over time our lives got more busy and seeing each other every summer was getting to be impossible. We even went through the stage of feeling uncomfortable around each other and not talking when we saw each other. But that didn't last long. 3 years ago I got a call saying they were coming down to school at BYU and coincidentally I was going to UVU. So for the next semester we got to be roommates! We seriously had so much fun and I still laugh at some of the things we did. We all got to watch each other date stupid boys, fall in love, get our hearts broken, fall back in love, they were there for me when I got married and had a baby. But after 3 years of living here Brit is now recently married and Chelsie is moving back to Arizona. I am glad Brit will be here for a couple more years but I am so sad to see Chels move back. I have loved having her live so close. I love watching her and Hadlee together, she loves her like she was her own and I love that. Wednesday night I went down to Provo to pick up some things and to hang out. On my way home I got a little emotional, I felt like I was saying bye once again to my best friend!!! But don't worry I am already starting to plan a trip down to see her!!!

My favorite Picture! Some of my favorite Memories with Chelsie...
"Hi, this is Vanessa"
Our road trip to AZ and all of Hadlee's blow outs
Flooziing it up!
Having Emery sleep over and trying to get that boy to leave
Hi this is Vanessa, I need a blessing
"This is Shell, she is Mexican"
Our road trip to St. Geroge
Our little Christmas tree
R.S.P vote for me!
All the random people we met
Dancing to "Everyone has those days" in the morning
"If I were a boy" over and over again
Loosing your gas cap... I won't forget about that one
rock the block dance parties
Bear lake.... in a way I wish that didn't happen... you know why
"shell did you shower"
thoughts and feelings time
AAAHHHHH he kissed me (Mike)
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