Over the weekend Pete's Grandpa past away. Even though we knew he is in a better place and so peaceful now it has been hard. During Pete's Senior year of high school Dale and Jan invited Grandpa to move into their home so that they could take care of him even though he was in pretty good shape. With Pete being the only child at home they grew such a close and special relationship. Grandpa was Pete's buddy. I remember countless times calling Pete asking him what he is doing and the answer was always "oh just hanging out watching sports with my grandpa." While dating Pete I became to know Grandpa pretty well. He was always so welcoming and loving towards me. Every time I would talk to him I would get a kick out of it because he would always throw out some funny remark that you weren't expecting. Grandpa made it to his 90th birthday last September! Although there has been time where we thought it was close to the end he was always one to jump back into life and have so much strength. The past 11 months has been so special to see the bond Hadlee has made with him. The other day we were over visiting him, Grandpa was having a hard time remembering things and kinda of out of it. However, as soon as I walked into the room with Hadlee he said, "Is that Hadlee?" he knew who she was! Instantly Hadlee wanted to get down and crawl over to Grandpa. She began to tug at him in hopes he would put her on his lap. His weak little body tried his hardest to pull her up and with our help was able to. I was so glad I had my camera close to capture such a special photo and Hadlee and Grandpa looking at each other and bonding for the last time. Like I said Grandpa is in such a better place and was able to be greeted by his wife, grandson and many others that I am sure has been waiting a long time for him to come home. I am so blessed to have gotten to know him for the short time I did. I know how much Pete loved him and we are sure going to miss him being around. However, it's not goodbye! I know that when the time comes we will all be able to see him again.
We love you Grandpa and will miss you!

1st time meeting Hadlee

Grandpa's 90th Birthday!

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