Two nights ago was rough, probably the roughest nights yet for Hadlee.
She has been sick the last couple of days so she hasn't been able to sleep as good as she normally does. However this night she went down at her normal time 10PM, I went to bed early while Pete stayed up watching basketball. Around midnight I heard Pete go and get Hadlee because she was screaming. I realized that she didn't stop crying when Pete went and got her which normally she does. So after about a hour of her screaming, trying to feed her, giving her a bottle, medicine and everything we could think of Pete put her in her crib thinking that she was just tired and she would cry herself to sleep. Well after 30 min of crying I couldn't take it anymore and gave in and went and got her. I try putting her in bed with us. That didn't work either she was still screaming at the top of her lungs. Nothing was making her happy. We debated whether or not we should call the doctor or take her in thinking something was wrong. I decided to walk around with her to see if I could settle her down a little. I went out into our living room and sat on the couch. She was still screaming. All the sudden she stopped, I realized she was starring at something that she couldn't get her eye away from. I look over to see what it was and it was this picture sitting on our end table
She then stared to talk, only repeating this one sound/word. Not knowing for sure if she really was looking at this picture of Christ I took her up to it. Her eyes wouldn't leave it and she begun to talk more. Tear filled my eyes, I knew right then that she remembered him. She knew who he was and not only that but she had a relationship with him. He was the only one that could comfort her at this time. She would continue to blab and touch him as if he was talking back to her. After sitting here for a while I decided to try and put her down, it was now 3:30 AM. I started to walk out of the room holding Hadlee and she begun to scream again. I walked back into the living room and stood in front of the picture and again she made eye contact with him and started to wave. I got chilled all over my body. WOW, how amazing is that. As I went to bed that night after Pete got her to go down I laid in bed with so many thoughts going through my mind. I was so overwhelmed. This testified to me again that Jesus Christ is real there is no question about it. He is also there to comfort us, also he has blessed me and trusted me with this little girl to raise and to make sure she will always remember him.
This post brought tears to my eyes and chills through out my soul! I am so happy that the Lord was there to help compfort your precious baby girl, he sure comforts me lately and always! :) Great post Mallory!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have this exact picture hanging on my wall in my front living room:)
ReplyDeletethis is awesome mal. jesus is the christ.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing Mal :) Such a cute post!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW what an awesome story. Gave me chills just reading it. Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMal, crying, yes crying! What a wonderful testimony! Thank you for sharing that! I am grateful I read that at the time I did! I love you mal my pal gal! :)
ReplyDeleteThat is so cute! I love it!
ReplyDeleteThat is so sweet mal! Made me all teary!