(I am a little late but I was waiting to go to the Dr.)
It is such a bitter sweet moment. I love the age she is at and how much fun she is now, However there is nothing like the itty bitty stage.
Yes, I know I am bias but Hadlee is seriously the cutest thing ever! She is seriously such a good baby which I am so grateful for!
Dr. says she looks perfect to him.... well probably cause she is!
She wights 16.06 lbs
& is 27 inches!
{New things Hadlee is doing: }
-Sits up for long periods of time
-Has gotten up to her hands and knees once but just sat there
-Is so smiley and VERY friendly
-Loves to shop, there has not been time we have been shopping (Which is quite a bit) and she has started crying. She just sits there and looks at everything!...I am alright with that for now!
-Usually goes to bed at about 10 PM, and weekends if we are out late she usually stays up with us which means she sleeps in with us :)
-Is starting to now want a bottle and would rather eat real food
-When we tickle her she holds her breath and can't figure out if she should cry or laugh
-Is DONE with BUMBO... which I am sad cause we really hardly used it.... she knows how to flip out of it.
-Loves my parents dog and loves to grab its hair which didn't end happy one time :(
-Loves to pull or kick her socks off...... We have lost so many!
-Loves when daddy gets home from work..... no matter what she is doing, she always gives her attention to him
-LOVES dogs :(

1st time as a real shopper!!!
Yes, I know I am bias but Hadlee is seriously the cutest thing ever! She is seriously such a good baby which I am so grateful for!
Dr. says she looks perfect to him.... well probably cause she is!
She wights 16.06 lbs
& is 27 inches!
{New things Hadlee is doing: }
-Sits up for long periods of time
-Has gotten up to her hands and knees once but just sat there
-Is so smiley and VERY friendly
-Loves to shop, there has not been time we have been shopping (Which is quite a bit) and she has started crying. She just sits there and looks at everything!...I am alright with that for now!
-Usually goes to bed at about 10 PM, and weekends if we are out late she usually stays up with us which means she sleeps in with us :)
-Is starting to now want a bottle and would rather eat real food
-When we tickle her she holds her breath and can't figure out if she should cry or laugh
-Is DONE with BUMBO... which I am sad cause we really hardly used it.... she knows how to flip out of it.
-Loves my parents dog and loves to grab its hair which didn't end happy one time :(
-Loves to pull or kick her socks off...... We have lost so many!
-Loves when daddy gets home from work..... no matter what she is doing, she always gives her attention to him
-LOVES dogs :(

Mal! She is so adorable. I can't believe how fast time flies. My baby is almost 6 months old too. So crazy.