Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas!!!

So Christmas is 2 day away & I feel like there is so much I didn't get to do this year. Our Calendar is always full for December which makes it hard to fit everything in. However we have done some fun things to get us in the Christmas spirit!
Some of our wards puts on a live nativity and invited everyone to come and eat cookies, hot cocoa, and mingle. They did it on one of the nicer nights which was good cause we weren't miserable (notice I don't even have a coat on)

Pete had class so we went with some of my family
Hadlee was all bundled up
They had a lot of real animals
Hads lasted about 5 minutes and then she was out
Hads & Grandma
Hads got to help make Christmas Sugar cookies with Grandma.
After Pete was done with finals.... which he did such a great job with and now has his associates!!!!! We celebrated by going to Thanksgiving Point and seeing lights with some friends!
We took hads out of her car seat so she could see the lights.....she wasn't quite sure what to think, instead of looking at the lights she was just looking around the car
After we went and had hot cocoa floats!
I love that we have little girls, i can't wait for them to be running around together, I just noticed I didn't get a picture of Kevin, but thanks for inviting us guys we had so much fun!
The other morning we put Hadlee in her room on the floor to play while we got ready, Pete walked in to her room and couldn't find her he called me in there peeks her little head out of the tree skirt!! She is not even crawling yet and is into everything she can roll to.
Christmas Sunday!
I have been so excited to put Hadlee in her Christmas dress!

Sunday night was supposed to be our Progressive dinner with my family but at the last minute they decided not to do it and just do the Nativity.
Hadlee was so excited when she found out she got to be BABY JESUS!!!
Hadlee with G ma Great!!!

Hadlee LOVES her, every time she makes eye contact with her she gets the biggest smile on her face no matter what mood she is in.
We drew names and Pete was Joseph
1 of the 3 Wiseman
Oh this makes me laugh.....

baby Jesus,Joseph,& Wiseman
our 2 Angels
back then they didn't have Binky's so Joseph let baby Jesus suck on his finger
At the beginning of the month we had the Frakes Christmas Party and this was the FIRST gift Hadlee got to open.... she did pretty good!!
She loved her PJ's from Granama Great!

This year Pete even helped make Coffee Cakes!!!
Good job babe!!

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this Mal! Sounds like your enjoying Christmas.... Hads is getting so big. :) Love your knuckles.
