Sunday, November 28, 2010

4 month Check up! 1/4 th of a year old!

Well another month has past and Hadlee is now 1/4 th of a year old!

Today I was looking at someone else holding her and realized that she is not a baby anymore. She is getting so big and along with that is SO MUCH FUN! I seriously love playing with her. She is developing this cute little personality that I fall more and more in love with. The other day when I realized how big she was getting and that she was out of her newborn baby stage I got baby hungry..... YES I SAID IT! A month ago I would never picture me saying this, but really time can't go slow enough to enjoy all those precious moments and as good as I thought my life was with just me a Pete I can't even begin to describe what this little spirit brings to our lives and makes it feel so much more complete. It makes me want more little spirits! But of course for many reasons that can't happen anytime soon! So for now we will just enjoy Hadlee which I am not complaining about AT ALL!!! I freaking love this little girl! Over the last month she has learned to do so much more!

She weights 14lbs 14 oz

Is 25 inches long
and get this.... Doctor says she is SKINNY for her height... she looks like a little chunk to us!

She is now....

*Sitting in her bumbo

*Rolling over... when she wants too



*Loves to talk!

*Grabbing things

*Loves pulling mommies hair

*Know that her crib means "bedtime"

*Has figured out how to get her big bows off her head..... Mom's not too happy about that one... Dad is though, he just thinks its soooo funny

*LOVES outside even when its snowing

*LOVES TV and has begun to watch cartoons annnndddd LOVES LOVES LOVES watching Sports with her dad

* Major slabber (however you would spell that)

* Fits into her 6 month clothes

*Has just started playing with her toys

*Is mamma's FAVORITE shopping buddy

*Loves putting everything in her mouth
*Doesn't cry in the bath anymore

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute and so big! Oh I love it :)
    You are such a great mommy! Love you guys!
