Sunday Pete & I decided to invite my 2 cousins to dinner and to hang out! Brit & Chels lives down in Provo while attending school. I got the privilege to be their roommates my first semester at UVU. It was their first semester away from home and boy did we have a blast. When we were younger they lived in Utah and we were inseparable! They then moved to Arizona, we would see each other about twice a year and then the past couple of years we kinda fell apart and didn't really talk. When we became roommates it was just like we were little. We seriously had a blast and made MANY MANY unforgettable memories. I felt like I lived with 2 of my sisters. We fought like sisters, cried like sisters & laughed like sister. Life has sure changed for me I am now a wife & a mother however, we have still stayed close which I love!

After dinner we went to this Hunted House by our house. It was incredible!
So cute. Where is this at?