Well time keeps flying by and as sad it is to see this little girl loose that newborn look we are loving seeing her grow and develop her little personality she makes our house so much more fun. We went to her 2 month check up and the Doctor says she looks great.
10 lbs & 14 oz = 50%
23 inches! =95%... she is defiantly a Schipaanboord
Some things that she is now doing is:
* She is all smiles!
* Makes eye contact with us
*Loves to stand up
*Still loves her Bink
*Is sleeping 9-10 hours :)
* Is just so darn cute!
*Is completely out of newborn clothes and even some 3 months are getting small on her!
*She has the cutest chubby check I have ever seen
* Is seriously the best baby ever!
*Doesn't like her bath/showers anymore
*Still not in her crib... were getting there!
* Loves her hands she is always putting them over her face when she sleeps!
Like I said this little girl is seriously the best baby ever! We are so blessed to have her in our home. We love her to death and still can't get enough of her. She is always making us laugh with her little personality she is developing and we love it!

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