We are SO ready to meet you!
We aren't quite sure on your name yet, but trust me you will have one! Who would have thought daddy would care so much.... he is making this difficult but hey I love that he cares... he wants you to have the PERFECT name!
After all the showers we have had we pretty much have everything ready for you except for your stinking car seat..... we.... well I should say Aunt Jamie, has gone through a lot to get the perfect one cause your worth it! I hope you love it!
I am pretty sure you have every color of bow, onies, tights, and headbands to go with every outfit that's just waiting for you to arrive so we can play dress up.
Your daddy is so excited for you to come, He tries to feel you dancing around every night but for some reason you get shy and stop right when he places his hand to feel. He doesn't get too excited about all the bows, clothes and girly stuff like I do but that cause he is too busy on helping me with stuff for the nursery and working hard so that when you get here he can spend as much time as possible with you!!
Your mommy is going crazy waiting for you.
I absolutely love having you inside me... yes being pregnant in JULY is something that I will probably never recommend, however, your worth it and I would do it all over again if it meant that I get to be your mommy. I love the time I get to feel you dance around every night before bed, it lets me know your still there and that your ok. I am going to miss having you so close to me 24/7. Its crazy to think that once you enter the world anything could happen, Me and Daddy can try everything to protect you but there will be times that no matter how hard we try we are going to have to let you experience things on your own and fight your own trials. However, we will ALWAYS be there, NO MATTER WHAT!
Your grandparents are also so excited for you to get here.
Grandma Karen can't wait to meet you but keeps reminding me that you will come when YOUR ready... which is the LAST thing I want to hear. She is also going crazy with making you everything a girl needs! Grandpa Schip keeps reminding me that these last couple of days are the days you're up there with mine and daddy's grandparents getting all the advice from them about what its like down here. Great Grandpa Frakes I am sure is spoiling you like crazy just like he did me, maybe even showing you a couple of his favorite card tricks. Great Grandpa Hind is probably nudged you with his elbow and doing something to make you laugh. While Great Grandma Carling is letting you have all the fudge you can eat and talking your ear off. Grandpa Doug asks me everyday if today is the day your coming... I keep telling him that I hope! Grandma Schip is also so excited to meet you and wants it to be sooner then later.
ALL your cousins are more then excited to get another cousin, especially another GIRL for the Schipaanboord family. I always ask them what we should name you and they all have their favorites.... some of them are even willing to share their name with you!
So just to let you know.... we are ready when you are!!!
Love you more then you'll ever imagine.... see you in a week... MAYBE even a couple of days!
Love you more then you'll ever imagine.... see you in a week... MAYBE even a couple of days!
Mal! This is so freakin cute! You two are going to be the cutest and the best parents. And she is going to have an amazing huge extended family to love and spoil her! I am sure she will come soon! And I can't wait to meet her either, she is going to be gorgeous! Good luck, take it easy and relax. Because as I am sure you know it won't be so easy to relax soon. Love you!!
ReplyDeleteMAL!!! Crying, yes, crying! That is the cutest thing ever! I love that! you both are going to be such good parents! I am so happy for you! I am so excited to meet her to! Let me know if I can help you with anything girl! I love you to pieces! xoxox
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, you are talking and thinking just like a parent. I am so proud of both you and Pete. It's the best. You both will do just fine. Just know that you have people that can help at times when you need it. We all love you both and will love this little girl just as much. Enjoy this time it is special.
ReplyDeleteOH my gosh Mal this is such a cute post... I hope she comes soon for you. Congrats agian:) Im sure she is going to be beautiful just like you:)