Ok, so I am a little behind on my blogging.
Life just seems to get more and more crazier! I am trying to get ahead in all my classes so that if baby decides to come early which I pray she does, I will be done with my classes!
We have also been trying to get everything we need for when she comes, I have had 2 showers so far which have been great. We have gotten some great things that will sure come in handy!
I am way too lazy to do a survey this week and I feel like the only thing that has changed is that I am growing every second... seriously! But as long as baby is healthy then I can't complain!!
So this week I only have a picture!

So this was after being on my feet all day... I wish I could say this is the worst they have gotten but the next night I was at my best friends wedding, running around helping set up, clean up all night and came home and they were twice the size......... and hurt like a mother!

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